Employer Branding

Employer brand has a direct impact on recruiting and your how people view your company. Everyone in the firm has an important role in building the employer image. It is very easy to spread  a positive or negative brand image.


Below are 5 ways on how your employer brand affects your hiring process:

1) Attracting Candidates

A company with positive brand image receives more number  of applications. Qualified candidates are more inclined to apply when they see the employer name.

2) Call Backs

The hardest part is getting the applicant to respond to your call. People tend to remember bad experiences and often spread a negative image of the brand if they feel unsatisfied. If your employer name gives a  positive feeling,  it will enable candidates to open up.

3) Employee Referrals

Employee referrals play an important role in recruiting. It is built on how you treat your employees. If your employees are satisfied and happy, they will speak highly about the company making other future candidates interested in working  for your company.

4) Getting Those Passive Candidates

Even when the candidates are not actively looking, they will respond to job postings if they come from reputed firms. They would be so impressed by the employer brand that they will always revert back.

Improving your employer brand benefits your company in  attracting the employees who will make a positive impact.